
Privacy Statement

We respect your privacy and are committed to maintain and use this information in a responsible manner. This policy refers to the use and disclosure of personal information we get from you.

Information we collect from you

Any personal information that you give to us is secured in safe servers and in our internal systems. We collect personal information whenever you do any online request through our contact form in our website BestGround International https://bestground.com

We may also collect information in our stores or through our print advertising and sales material. This information may include, but not be limited to, your contact information (mail address, email address, phone number, etc). Your personal information is volunteer, however, if you do not give a part or all of the information we request, we may not be able to offer any of our products or services. By accessing into this website, we may capture the IP address from the computer you use when navigating through our website. If the address is an static IP address of fixed, in certain circumstances we could be able to identify it. However, we just collect this kind of information to compile the user statistics anonymously, we do not compile IP address data to identify you. We will not withhold any other kind of personal information, as a result of your access and website use.

How do we use and share this information

 When you give us your personal address, either to request a catalogue or place an order through this website, you can receive our catalogue in your email. Whenever you place an order in any of our websites, we can use this information to process and maintain trace on your order and contact you by email or telephone if you have any request or comment regarding your order.

We also maintain a registry of your purchases and combine this with the information you have given to us in our stores or by phone to offer you a better service. It is possible that we combine information that you give to us with demographic information, information that is open to the public, as well as information about your preferences in products and interests to improve the design of our website and the presentation of our products and services.

We do not disclose your personal information to third parties for their own marketing interests without your approval. We do not compile nor process any “sensitive data” about you (such as information about your health or any as such).

We may share some or all of your personal information we have collected with our associated, which use this information according to these Privacy Statement. In the case of a sell of part or all of our business, we cannot disclose your personal information to a buyer that commits to fulfill with the terms and conditions of this privacy statement and commits to protect our privacy.

You should also take in count that we may reveal specific information about you if you require or are allowed by any law, government request, judicial order or process or based on our ethical order needed to comply with such law, the request of any judicial order or to protect the users of this website or public.

Online account

When configuring an online account, you will be requested to create a password. The recovery of the personal information regarding you and your purchase history will only be able for you if you give the password you have created, and all your profile information, including your address book, is only available if you have initiated your account. After giving your password, you may edit or erase your information at any moment through “My Account” section, placed in the inferior menu of this website.

If you do not remember your password, a new password will be assigned to you and delivered to your email address. We do not deliver passwords through telephone, nor will we send any email to an address that is different from the email address you have registered with.

Your address book, located in your “My Account” section of every website is your own personal storage space. We do not use any information from your address book to send promotions or catalogues by email.

You may also visualize and edit the information you presented as part of your registration process online, while navigating across the website when you are logged in your account. You have also the right to request any information we withhold about you, and request to eliminate or update any incorrect information.

You may also oppose to the treatment of your personal data and revoke the approbation lend to us (or carry on any consult about this privacy statement as well as declare any complaint) by getting in touch with us by any of the previously mentioned mediums.

Personal information access and update

You may also present a request to our company to modify the personal information you have given to us as part of your purchase registry. You may also request us the information we hold about you and request us to eliminate or modify any incorrect information. You may also oppose to the treatment of your personal information and revoke the approval extended to us (or do any consult about this statement or present a complaint) by getting in touch with us.

Storage of personal information

We use, process, and store personal information while it is necessary for the ends described in this Privacy Statement, on the contrary the user can initiate a process with the end of the applicable laws and internal company policies. We use safe methods to destroy the personal information whenever it is not useful, including the use of reasonable measurements for technical and physical security to avoid non authorized access or the use of personal information after it is disposed.

Links to other websites

To improve your purchase experience, our website may include links to other sites outside of our brand family. These websites have their own privacy statements you may wish to review. We do not hold any responsibility about those linked websites, outside our brand family.

Cookies and web beacons

Cookies are small data bases that are stored automatically in your computer when you visit our websites. Cookies are used to realize a following to the pages of visited websites and do not holds any personal information such as: your name, address or any other financial information. We can use cookies so that you can use some website functions, remember the articles of your purchase, store your preferences, recognize whenever you visit our website.

Most of internet browsers accept cookies automatically, but if you do not wish to have cookies in your system, you can establish your preferences in your browser to avoid them or to notify you whenever they are sent. Whenever you desire to deactivate them, please check your browser’s “Help” option to get instructions. Besides, you have a Flash player installed in your computer, the Flash player may be configured to reject or erase any cookies from Flash. If you choose to reject cookies, it is possible that you may not enjoy all the characteristics of our website.

The web beacons are small code chains that are placed in a website or in an email. Sometimes called “Transparent GIFs” (Graphic Interchange Format) or “pixel tags”. Web beacons are usually used in combination with cookies to track the activity in our websites. Whenever you visit a particular website, the web beacons notify us of your visit. As the web beacons are used in combination with cookies, the inhabilitation of these may result in an anonymous registry of your visit. When you use an email, web beacons let us know if you have received such message.


The safety of your information is very important to us. We take organization and technical measures to protect your personal information against accidental or illicit destruction, alteration, disclosure or unauthorized access; particularly when the treatment includes the transfer of data through any network. We use the latest technologies to protect the safety of your information.

Acknowledge that 100% of safety is not always possible. You have an important role in protecting your information. Keep your personal information safely and do not disclose any of it to third-parties if you wish so.

Children privacy

We are concerned about the privacy of children and do not collect any information regarding minors. We do not sell any products to children.

Privacy statement Updates

We can update our privacy statement from time to time. Every time we make an update, we will publish the updated policy in this site, and we encourage you to consult our statement periodically. If we do a modification to our privacy statement that could reduce your privacy rights or require your approval, we may require you to follow the present privacy statement or request your approval after such modification. If you have any question or doubt in respect of our privacy statement, please contact us through the Contact section.