
January 25


Did you know that every year around the world, over 420,000 people die and some 600 million people -almost one in ten- fall ill after eating contaminated food?

Food itself transmits more than 200 diseases, adding to this, the current food supply chain is complex and comprises different stages before it reaches the consumer, such as production, harvesting, transformation, warehouse, transportation, and distribution. That is why the importance of knowing how to choose what food we eat, where do they come from, if they have been genetically modified, ensuring that they had a safe process since its production until the moment of consumption.

However, it is worth mentioning the consequences that foodborne illness can trigger not only in one person but also in a big population.

At this moment, where the world is paralyzed, it´s time to reflect on how we have been living in the past years and one of the factors that we must reconsider is the way in which we feed our bodies. It has a great impact as individuals and affects in a global manner. We must understand that the food safety process begins at the harvest so it is extremely important to know the origin of these.

COVID-19 is also shown to be raising consumer awareness in the relationship between nutrition and health. Consumers are buying more organic and healthy foods as they look to boost their personal Immunity.

At Best Ground, we work through critical checkpoints which always guarantee their quality and safety, making sure that they arrive in the best conditions around the world.

Let's not forget that food safety is a shared responsibility.

We leave you 5 key tips to know how to choose which foods to consume:
1. Whole foods.

2. Fresh, natural, real, and preferably organically grown (not genetically modified, free of chemicals and preservatives).

3. Balanced food (that your diet includes a little of everything, CH, PT, Fats, but also flavors, colors, and textures).

4. Clean and clear label (less is more).

5. Remember #FOODSAFETY, the importance of choosing your food properly is very important, your health will depend a lot on your diet and, as we can see the risk of consuming low-quality and unsafe food can lead us to a series of serious problems, WASH YOUR HANDS.

If it is not safe, it is not food.

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